【同义词辨析】 2017-08-22 成功succeed-flourish

succeed: is antithesis to fail and is widely applicable to persons and things: ~ in her third try for public office.  成功达成目标to attain the planned or desired result,如success(to succeed) in election/business/exam选举/生意/考试成功,如successful landing/marriage/completion of the work/experiment成功着陆/婚姻美满/完成工作/试验取得成功,可见成功不一定是拥有财富名声to gain wealth, respect, or fame

prosper: carries an implication of continued or long-continuing and usually increasing success: ~ in business.     指经济市场等持续发展、活跃

thrive: adds the implication of vigorous growth often because of or in spite of specified conditions: plants that ~ in acid soil.   business is thriving生意兴隆a thriving economy经济繁荣a plant that thrives in desert一种能生长在沙漠的植物

flourish: implies a state of vigorous growth and expansion without signs of decadence or decay but also without any suggestion of how long this state will be maintained: attitudes that ~ed in the Middle Ages.     用法和prosper, thrive相同,另外还表示华丽辞藻、装饰性线条、挥舞details or decorations that are used in speech or writing,to wave如a speech full of rhetorical flourishes满篇华丽辞藻的演讲,来自拉丁词根FLOR=flower

succeed成功: 和失败相反, 通用于人物, prosper繁荣: 持续增加的成功, thrive繁荣兴旺: 指茁壮成长,使用时常带上所处的环境状态,flourish也是繁荣: 成长扩张无衰败迹象(但持续多久不一定,和prosper有这点细微差别)

记忆方法:1)首字母SPTF想成Fan Sheng Tai Ping繁盛太平<==国家治理很成功


          3)成功的意思是达到目的mean to attain or be attaining a desired end.首字母SPTF想成Fan Sheng Tai Ping繁盛太平<==国家治理很成功